Annotated Library of Open Standard Figures
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-Swing (7:55) -Flight (8:11) -Posture (8:32) -Hold (8:50) -Leading and Following (9:07) -Side Leading (9:26) -Contra Body Movement Position (9:44) -Forward and Across in CBMP (10:03) -Promenade Position (10:24) -Conter Promenade Position (10:38) -Fallaway Position (10:56) |
-Counter Fallaway Position (11:11) -Outside Partner (11:28) -Outside Partner on Left Side (11:41) -Same Foot Position (11:57) -Knee Flexion (12:18) -Toe Turned in (12:35) -Pivot (12:51) -Open Toe Pivot (13:08) -Spin Action (13:26) -Swivel (13:46) -Inverted Swivel (14:05) |
-Open Heel Pivot (14:24) -Slip Pivot (14:38) -Heel Turn (14:52) -Heel Pull (15:10) -Contra Body Motion (15:30) -Sway (15:50) -Linear Sway (16:13) -Body Inclination (16:34) -Metronome Action (16:54) -Head Weight (17:16) |
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-Running Spin Turn (17:52) -Running Weave (19:58) -Running Feather (21:46) -Running Feather from PP (23:22) -Side Cross (25:05) |
-Side Cross from PP (26:52) -Synchopated Side Cross (28:28) -Double Side Cross (30:04) -1-3 Weave from CPP to Fallaway (33:05) -Fallaway Whisk from PP (34:52) |
-Quick Open Telemark from PP (34:52) -Quick Open Natural Telemark from PP (39:34) -Quick Weave from PP (42:56) -Curved Three Step (44:18) -Curved Three Step from PP (45:44) |
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-Tumble Turn (47:33) -Overspin from Double Reverse Spin (48:46) -Overspin from Double Natural Spin (50:10) -Promenade Pivot from Overturned Reverse Swivel (51:34) -Chasse Roll to Left (53:04) |
-Chasse Roll to Right (54:42) -Big Top (56:16) -Telespin (57:42) -Telespin from PP (59:13) -Teleswivel (60:46) |
-Teleswivel from PP (62:26) -Quick Open Natural & Outside Spin (64:08) -Turning Lock to Right to Pivot (65:43) |
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-Standing Spin to Left (67:18) -Standing Spin to Right (69:14) |
-Reverse Impetus (71:22) -Reverse Impetus to CPP (72:42) |
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-Checked Natural Turn (74:17) -Checked Reverse Turn (75:34) -Checked Weave to Open Toe Pivot (76:46) |
-Traveling Contra Check to PP (78:40) -Hover to PP from Oversway Shape (80:07) -Hover Cross to PP (82:06) |
-Hover Cross with Weave Ending (83:58) -Hover Cross into Natural Weave (85:52) -Hover Cross into Same Foot Lunge (87:33) |
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-Left Side Forward Swivel (00:04) -Right Side Forward Swivel (1:46) -Inverted Swivel to Developé (3:10) |
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-Turning Five Step from Same Foot Lunge (25:43) -Double Chase from PP (26:56) -Quarter Beats (28:43) -Back Checks from PP (30:09) |
-Left Side Walks (35:54) -Spanish Drag (37:16) -Stop Lock to Lock Action & 4-6 Syncopated Basic Reverse Turn (38:48) |
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-Pepperpot (40:31) -Scatter (Continuous) Chasses to Right (41:53) -Scatter (Continuous) Chasses to Left (43:19) -Pendulum Points (44:46) |
-Woodpecker Actions (45:57) -Stutter Chasses to Hover (47:19) -Running Fishtail from PP (48:53) -Bounce Locks (50:17) |
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-Oversway (57:18) -Oversway from PP (59:11) -Throwaway Oversway (60:54) -Hinge (62:53) -Tilt Oversway (64:24) -Inverted Throwaway Oversway (65:51) |
-Right Lunge (67:50) -Same Foot Lunge (69:46) -Right Hinge (71:46) -Opposition Point to Left from PP (73:34) -Opposition Point to Right from PP (75:35) -Eros Line (77:21) |
-Left Lunge (79:03) -Chair from PP (80:37) -Whiplash from PP (82:11) -Developé to Leg Hook from Oversway Shape (83:35) -X Line (85:48) |