Title: Open Telemark
Level: (-) Timing: (QQS) or (QQQ) Rotation: Up to ¾ to Left |
The Open Telemark was originally featured in the Waltz and Foxtrot syllabi and has been adapted for use in the Tango. Transposing the Open Telemark to Tango Promenade In all other dances Promenade Position begins with the Man's RF forward in PP, while in Tango it starts with the Man's LF side in PP. There are two common methods of bridging this divide (listed in the Chase): 1. Step with Man's RF forward and across in PP and CBMP, place LF to side in PP without weight. (QQ) 2. Step with Man's RF forward into steps 2-3 of Promenade Link. (QQ) Citations The Open Telemark is listed in The Tango and Basic Principles under 'Figures Common to more than one Dance.' It is unclear whether this makes it a legal figure to compete in IDTA syllabus Tango, and if so, at what level it is to be taught. There are two references to the Open Telemark (Tango) in Alex Moore's Popular Variations [3rd Ed.] – Tango Variation Nos. #7 and #19. Geoffrey Hearn's A Technique of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures has charted the Quick Open Telemark from PP, which, due to its different character and entry merits a separate page. |
Video Example 1