Posted by Big Top
We always welcome videos of the Japan Open, because it gives us a glimpse at how professional couples execute 'basic figures' under tournament conditions. That is not to say we don't love our instructional videos, but in the comfort of a studio, our star couples are not trying their utmost to impress. The clip begins midway through with Fung/Mikhed and finishes with Gozzoli/Betti. See below for the amalgamation and figure links.
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Basic Amalgamation (19.5 Bars)
| 1-5 Natural Turn (SQQSS) Rumba Cross (QQSS)(S) Rumba Cross (QQS) 5-10 Running Right Turn (SSSQQS) Quick Open Reverse (S)(SQQ) Reverse Pivot (S) Double Reverse Spin (SSQQ) Cross Swivel (SS) | Fishtail (SQQQQS) 1-4 Natural Turn (SQQS) Tipsy to Right (Q&Q) Tipsy to Left (Q&Q) Tipsy to Right (Q&Q) Tipsy to Left (Q&Q) 2-4 Back Lock (QQS) Running Finish (SQQ) | |