Title: Natural Turn Level: Pre-Bronze (ISTD), (IDTA) Timing: (SQQ SSS) Rotation: 3/4 to Right
Title: 1-3 Natural Turn Level: Pre-Bronze (ISTD), (IDTA) Timing: (SQQ) Rotation: 3/8 to Right
Title: 1-5 Natural Turn Level: Pre-Bronze (ISTD), (IDTA) Timing: (SQQ SS) Rotation: 3/4 to Right
Notes The Quickstep Natural Turn is a hybrid consisting of 1-3 Waltz Natural Turn and steps 4-6 of the Foxtrot Natural Turn. However, unlike its Waltz and Foxtrot counterparts, the Quickstep Natural Turn is not intended to move towards Diagonal Center upon its completion. Rather, it is designed to negotiate a corner (exiting Diagonal Wall of new Line of Dance). For this reason the IDTA syllabus has named it Natural Turn at a Corner.
1-5 Natural Turn In Syllabus Quickstep, 1-5 Natural Turn (which includes Man's Heel Pull) is taken as the standard entrance for the Rumba Cross. It may also be followed with 2-4 Forward Lock into Quick Open Reverse.
Video Example 1
Notes -3A shows the 1-6 Natural Turn at a Corner.
Video Example 2
Notes Marcus and Karen Hilton examine the Natural Turn.
Video Example 3
Notes This video features one example of 1-5 Natural Turn: 1. Occurs at 0:07 Entry Figure: Prep Step Exit Figure:Rumba Cross
Video Example 4
Notes This video features two examples of the Natural Turn: 1. Occurs at 0:19 (1-3 Natural Turn) Entry Figure: Six Quick Run Exit Figure: Tipple Chassé to Right
Notes This video features three examples of the Natural Turn: 1. Occurs at 0:18 (1-5 Natural Turn) Entry Figure: Four Quick Run Exit Figure: Rumba Cross
Notes This video features two examples of the Natural Turn: 1. Occurs at 0:38 (1-5 Natural Turn) Entry Figure: Six Quick Zig-Zag (Not Syllabus) Exit Figure: Rumba Cross