Title: Quarter Turn to Right Level: Pre-Bronze (ISTD), (IDTA) Timing: (SQQS) Rotation: 1/4 to Right
Notes The Quarter Turn to Right was formerly part of a combination called Quarter Turns, where it was formed the first half of a tandem with the Quarter Turn to Left (Heel Pivot). In the most recent editions of both the Ballroom Technique and The Quickstep and Basic Principles, the Quarter Turns have been split in two, presumably to facilitate the more popular combination of Quarter Turn to Right and Progressive Chassé.
Disambiguation: Spotting the difference between the Quarter Turn to Right, the Tipple Chassé to Left, and 1-4 Natural Turn can be tricky. Click here for our handy field guide.
Video Example 1
Notes -1A shows the Quarter Turn to Right turning 1/4 to Right. -1B shows the Quarter Turn to Right turning 3/8 to Right, beginning facing Line of Dance (1st Step Outside Partner).