Title: Natural Spin Turn Level: Pre-Bronze (ISTD), (IDTA) Timing: (SQQ SSS) Rotation: Steps 1-3: 3/8 to Right Steps 4-6: 5/8 to 7/8 to Right
Notes Underturning/Turning/Overturning The terms over/underturning refer to Steps 4-6 of Natural Spin Turn. Depending on the desired alignment, these can be rotated more or less. The definitions for each are as follows:
Underturned: Anything ≤ 5/8 of a Turn. Regular Turn: 5/8 < Regular Turn < 7/8 Overturned: Anything ≥ 7/8 of a Turn.
The Checked Spin Turn Is an amalgamation of the Natural Spin Turn and the Reverse Pivot.
IDTA Note: The IDTA Syllabus divides the Natural Spin Turn into two separate figures: Natural Spin Turn and Underturned Natural Spin Turn. For the sake of clarity, we list them together.
Video Example 1
Notes -7 shows the Natural Spin Turn turning 7/8 to Right.
Video Example 2
Notes This video features four Natural Spin Turns: 1. Occurs at 0:20 Entry Figure: Running Finish Exit Figure: 1-4 of V6