Title: Outside Spin
Level: Silver (ISTD); Gold (IDTA) Timing: (123) Rotation: 1 full turn to Right Title: Underturned Outside Spin Level: Silver (ISTD), (IDTA) Timing: (123) Rotation: Between ½ and ¾ to Right Title: Overturned Outside Spin Level: (?) (ISTD), (IDTA) Timing: (123) Rotation: 1 and ½ turn to Right |
The Outside Spin is a family of figures that all begin with the Man's LF Back (Lady's RF Forward Outside Partner). It consists of the following: A) The Outside Spin turns 1 full turn and ends with the Man ready to step RF Forward into any Natural Figure. B) The Underturned Outside Spin turns between ½ and ¾ to R, and ends with the Man ready to step RF Back as would be the case after a Natural Spin Turn. C) The Overturned Outside Spin turns 1 and ½ turns and ends with the Man ready to step RF Forward into any Natural Figure. A) and B) are legal at their respective levels in both the ISTD and IDTA syllabi. The Overturned Outside Spin C) is a more recent development, the legality of which is in the gray area of individual interpretation. We recommend that syllabus competitors consult their instructors and/or adjudicators before using the Overturned Outside Spin in competition. |
Video Example 1
-19A shows an Outside Spin with 1 full turn. -19B shows an underturned Outside Spin with ¾ turn. |
Video Example 2
There are two Outside Spins video, an Overturned Outside Spin and an Underturned Outside Spin: 1. Occurs at 0:42 - Overturned Outside Spin Entry Figure: 1-3 Weave from PP (Not Syllabus) (See Waltz Video Analysis) Exit Figure: Natural Spin Turn This is the Overturned Outside Spin. It begins in the alignment of an Underturned Outside Spin (backing Diagonal Wall) and rotates 1 and ½ turns to face Diagonal Wall. 2. Occurs at 1:15 - Underturned Outside Spin Entry Figure: Back Lock Exit Figure: Turning Lock In this instance, the Outside Spin behaves like a normal Natural Spin Turn begun Outside Partner. |
Video Example 3
There is one take on the Outside Spin in this video. It occurs at 0:46 and shows the following amalgamation: 1-5 Hover Corté 3&1 Outside Spin 2-3 Back Whisk As discussed in the Waltz Video Analysis, this sequence is not permitted in syllabus Waltz. Had the amalgamation looked like this, it would be legal: 1-6 Hover Corté 1-3 Outside Spin Follow with any figure beginning with Man's RF Forward (Lady's LF Back) taken towards Diagonal Wall. |
Video Example 4
There is one Outside Spin in this video: 1. Occurs at 0:40 - Overturned Outside Spin Entry Figure: Drag Hesitation Exit Figure: Natural Spin Turn This is the Overturned Outside Spin. It begins in the alignment of an Underturned Outside Spin (backing Diagonal Wall) and rotates 1 and ½ turns to face Diagonal Wall. |
1. Closed Changes 2. Natural Turn 3. Reverse Turn 4. Natural Spin Turn 5. Whisk 6. Chassé from PP |
7. Closed Impetus 8. Hesitation Change 9. Outside Change 10. Reverse Corté 11. Back Whisk 12. Basic Weave 13. Double Reverse Spin 14. Reverse Pivot 15. Back Lock 16. Progressive Chassé to Right |
17. Weave from PP 18. Closed Telemark 19. Open Telemark 20. Open Impetus 21. Cross Hesitation 22. Wing 23. Outside Spin 24. Turning Lock to Left 25. Drag Hesitation |
26. Left Whisk 27. Contra Check 28. Closed Wing 29. Turning Lock to Right 30. Fallaway Reverse and Slip Pivot 31. Hover Corté 32. Fallaway Whisk |
Additional Figures
33. Forward Lock Step 34. Fallaway Natural Turn 35. Running Spin Turn 36. Quick Natural Spin Turn 37. Open Natural Turn from PP Former Syllabus Figures -Backward Passing Changes -Double Natural Turn |
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