Title: Rock Back on LF
Level: Bronze (ISTD), (IDTA) Timing: (QQS) Rotation: None Title: Rock Back on LF Exit Forwards Level: (-)(ISTD); (-)(IDTA) Timing: (QQS) Rotation: None Title: Rock Back on RF Level: Bronze (ISTD), (IDTA) Timing: (QQS) Rotation: None Title: Rock Back on RF Exit Forwards Level: (-)(ISTD); Silver (IDTA) Timing: (QQS) Rotation: None |
Backward Walk The LF and RF Rocks are the only Tango figure in the Ballroom Technique by Alex Moore to feature the Walk back on LF listed in the Precedes and Follows. As discussed on the Tango Walks page, this only complicates an already ambiguous figure. Exit Forwards Guy Howard's The Tango and Basic Principles allows the RF Rocks to exit forwards, into a Four Step. For the sake of consistency, we have also created a tile for the LF Rocks to exit forward. |
Video Example 1
-8A shows the Rock Back on LF. -8B shows the Rock Back on RF. |
1. Walk 2. Open Finish 3. Progressive Side Step 4. Progressive Link 5. Closed Promenade 6. Rock Turn 7. Open Reverse Turn, Lady Outside 8. Back Corté |
15. Promenade Link 16. Four Step 17. Reverse Four Step 18. Back Open Promenade 19. Outside Swivel (Methods 1-2) 20. Reverse Outside Swivel (Methods 3-4) 21. Fallaway Promenade 22. Four Step Change 23. Brush Tap |
24. Fallaway Four Step 25. Oversway 26. Basic Reverse Turn 27. The Chase 28. Fallaway Reverse and Slip Pivot 29. Five Step 30. Reverse Five Step 31. Contra Check |
Additional Figures
32. Reverse Pivot 33. Alternative entries to PP Former Syllabus Figures -Open Promenade In-line |
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