Title: Reverse Four Step
Level: Silver (ISTD)(IDTA) Timing: (QQQQ) Rotation: Up to ¾ to Left |
Historical Note
In our 1955 edition of Alex Moore's Revised Technique, there is no mention of the Four Step taken as a traveling, reverse turning figure. However, it is featured in Popular Variations by the same author (Tango Variation #21) as "The Turning Four Step (as a Reverse Turn)." In the 1966 edition of the Revised Technique, Moore notes the following: "A modern way of dancing the Four Step is to commence facing diag. to centre and make half a turn on the complete figure to end facing diag. to wall against L.O.D. (in PP). [...] Advanced dancers can make up to ¾ turn to the left to take the following promenade along L.O.D." Note: As with the regular Four Step, both Techniques theoretically allow for 1-2 Reverse Four Step to be followed by an Outside Swivel. The result of this union is covered in the article on the Reverse Outside Swivel. |
Video Example 1
-13C shows the Reverse Four Step (turned 3/4 to Left). |
1. Walk 2. Open Finish 3. Progressive Side Step 4. Progressive Link 5. Closed Promenade 6. Rock Turn 7. Open Reverse Turn, Lady Outside 8. Back Corté |
15. Promenade Link 16. Four Step 17. Reverse Four Step 18. Back Open Promenade 19. Outside Swivel (Methods 1-2) 20. Reverse Outside Swivel (Methods 3-4) 21. Fallaway Promenade 22. Four Step Change 23. Brush Tap |
24. Fallaway Four Step 25. Oversway 26. Basic Reverse Turn 27. The Chase 28. Fallaway Reverse and Slip Pivot 29. Five Step 30. Reverse Five Step 31. Contra Check |
Additional Figures
32. Reverse Pivot 33. Alternative entries to PP Former Syllabus Figures -Open Promenade In-line |
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