Title: Outside Swivel
Level: Silver (ISTD), (IDTA) Timing: (SQQ) Rotation: (See Notes) Title: Outside Swivel Exit Backwards Level: Silver (ISTD), (IDTA) Timing: (SQQ) Rotation: (See Notes) Title: Outside Swivel to PP Level: (-) (ISTD), (?)(IDTA) Timing: (SQQ) Rotation: ⅛ to Right |
The Ballroom Technique by Alex Moore lists four possible methods for the Outside Swivel, which is in reality two different figures, each with two methods (rotation and exit position). The first two are commonly referred to as the Outside Swivel, or using the more descriptive IDTA monikers: Outside Swivel to Right and Outside Swivel to Left. Each consists of an Outside Swivel (S) and 2-3 Promenade Link (QQ). Outside Swivel to PP There are three possible ways to end an Outside Swivel in Promenade Position. The first is mentioned in the 1966 Revised Technique by Alex Moore and second two are ambiguously implied in Guy Howards The Tango and Basic Principles as possible exits for the Outside Swivel to Right: "If ended in PP: Any Promenade Figure." The possibilities are: A. Continue in Promenade after Step 1 of the Outside Swivel. B. After Step 1 of the Outside Swivel dance: Man's RF forward and across in PP and CBMP, place LF to side in PP without weight. (QQ) C. Flick to Promenade after 2-3 Promenade Link. Only C. is definitely legal in both ISTD and IDTA syllabi. Exit Backwards As with all Closed Finishes, the Outside Swivel may be followed with Back Corté, LF Rocks, or another Outside Swivel (Methods 1&2). |
The difference between the Outside Swivel to Right and Outside Swivel to Left
Method 1 - Outside Swivel to Right
The Outside Swivel to Right is designed to follow any Open Finish ended facing DW (Lady backing DW) and end in the same alignment. Man's Rotation: "Just under ⅛ to R on 1, ⅛ to L between 1-2." Lady's Rotation: "Just over ¼ to R on 1, ⅜ to L between 2-3." |
Method 2 - Outside Swivel to Left
The Outside Swivel to Right is designed to follow any Open Finish ended facing DW (Lady backing DW) and end with Man facing DC (Lady backing DC). Man's Rotation: "¼ to L on 1." Lady's Rotation: "⅛ to L between the preceding step and 1, ¼ to R on 1, ⅜ to L between 2-3." |
Video Example 1
-15A shows the Outside Swivel to Right. -15B shows the Outside Swivel to Left. |
Video Example 2
Victor Veyrasset and Heather Smith demonstrate and explain the Outside Swivel to Left. |
Video Example 3
Marcus and Karen Hilton examine the Outside Swivel to Right to PP. After Step 1 of the Outside Swivel the man dances: -RF forward and across in PP and CBMP, place LF to side in PP without weight. (QQ) Unfortunately, this variation of the Outside Swivel is not available to competitors bound to the ISTD syllabus. It is currently unclear whether this is sanctioned in IDTA syllabus competitions. |
Video Example 4
See the annotated amalgamation here.
There is one Outside Swivel to Right to PP in this video: 1. Occurs at 0:20 Entry Figure: Open Reverse Turn, Lady Outside (Open Finish) Exit Figure: Natural Promenade Turn, Rock Turn For notes of the Outside Swivel to Right to PP, see Video Example 3. |
Video Example 5
See the annotated amalgamation here.
There is one Outside Swivel to Left (Method 2) in this video: 1. Occurs at 0:28 Entry Figure: Natural Promenade Turn, Rock Turn, Open Finish Exit Figure: Fallaway Reverse and Slip Pivot Note: Because it exits with the Man facing DC, we have deemed it an Outside Swivel to Left, despite its lack of leftward turn. |
1. Walk 2. Open Finish 3. Progressive Side Step 4. Progressive Link 5. Closed Promenade 6. Rock Turn 7. Open Reverse Turn, Lady Outside 8. Back Corté |
15. Promenade Link 16. Four Step 17. Reverse Four Step 18. Back Open Promenade 19. Outside Swivel (Methods 1-2) 20. Reverse Outside Swivel (Methods 3-4) 21. Fallaway Promenade 22. Four Step Change 23. Brush Tap |
24. Fallaway Four Step 25. Oversway 26. Basic Reverse Turn 27. The Chase 28. Fallaway Reverse and Slip Pivot 29. Five Step 30. Reverse Five Step 31. Contra Check |
Additional Figures
32. Reverse Pivot 33. Alternative entries to PP Former Syllabus Figures -Open Promenade In-line |
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