Title: Double Reverse Spin
Level: (-)(ISTD); (?)(IDTA) Timing: (SQ&Q) or (QQ&Q) Rotation: Between ¾ to 1 turn to L |
The Double Reverse Spin was originally featured in the Waltz syllabus and has been adapted for use in the Foxtrot. It is listed under 'Additional Figures' in The Foxtrot and Basic Principles by Guy Howard (2011). It is not specified at which level it is to be taught or danced. Citations There are several references to the Foxtrot Double Reverse Spin in Alex Moore's Popular Variations (Foxtrot Variation Nos. #31, #47, and #50). In each of these cases, it is danced with a (QQ&Q) timing, whereby the preceding figure has also had an odd number of beats. For example: Fallaway Reverse and Slip Pivot (SQQQ) into Double Reverse Spin (QQ&Q) |
Go to Waltz Syllabus - Tango Syllabus - Foxtrot Syllabus - Quickstep Syllabus - Viennese Waltz Syllabus
1. Feather Step 2. Three Step 3. Natural Turn 4. Reverse Turn 5. Feather Finish 6. Closed Impetus |
7. Natural Weave 8. Change of Direction 9. Basic Weave |
10. Closed Telemark 11. Open Telemark 12. Feather Ending 13. Top Spin 14. Hover Feather 15. Hover Telemark 16. Natural Telemark 17. Hover Cross 18. Passing Natural Turn 19. Outside Swivel 20. Open Impetus 21. Weave from PP 22. Reverse Wave |
Additional Figures
30. Quick Natural Weave from PP 31. Quick Open Reverse 32. Reverse Pivot 33. Extended Reverse Wave 34. Curved Three Step 35. Double Reverse Spin Former Syllabus Figures -The Box -Natural Zig-Zag |